
Your generous donations allow us to continue to offer FREE Civil War educational opportunities to all. Our meetings are always free and open to the public even though we cover the expenses and some honoraria for speakers. Please click on the DONATE button below and then insert an amount that you would like to donate to the Pasadena Civil War Round Table.  You can pay for both membership dues and an additional donation by using this link.

Your donations will help keep history alive! Thank you so much!


All donations go directly to the support of the educational and preservation efforts of the Pasadena Civil War Round Table, as all who work for the CWRT are unpaid volunteers who draw no salary. 

The Pasadena Civil War Round Table is an exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.  Your contribution, minus $10.00 for the cost of the monthly newsletter, is tax-deductible as a charitable donation on your annual tax return.